Our game design projects are led by our experienced facilitators to enable the group to express themselves and communicate truths about their lives.
Facilitators use their experience of inner city youth and playwork to create a safe space to share ideas and encourage participants to engage in a range of creative fun ways.
A project to create an educational resource needs at least 6 contact sessions (min 1 hour) with the design group.
Games as Social Educational Tools
Our main aim is to communicate people’s views and give them a voice. Adhering to a brief from our partners we incorporate the groups’ creative design ideas into new board games. By learning through play, young people and adults are able to produce interactive games that are fun, imaginative and exciting to play. The games are used by our partners as innovative social education tools.
We adopt a unique and mixed social research methodology to help people communicate about issues which affect their lives. We combine both quantitative and qualitative methods to encourage people to be more interactive with the consultation process, and to gather information about their views or opinions. Conducting face to face interviews and using board games helps clarify questions whilst uncovering new ideas, and helps encourage people to provide a full and frank range of responses.